Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Swimming at Little Fishes Swim School

Outdoor public pools may be closed come September, but children still need the opportunities to practice their swimming skills they learned in the heat of the summer!  The more time children can practice new skills they've learned, the more successful they'll be in the water.  When children are out of the water for an extended period of time, they lose their water skills.  For each month out of the water, it takes 1-2 swimming classes to relearn those skills.  Children who are cautious or fearful around water may take even longer to relearn a previously taught skill. 

This is because motor skills, like swimming, are learned through repetition.  It requires patience and supervised time in the pool to become safe and proficient in the water.

It's especially important to continue to expose toddlers to water.  The fear of water often surfaces in the toddler years.  If you help your child feel comfortable in and under the water, there's a much greater chance you can prevent water anxiety.

For optimal learning,  Ruthie, owner and instructor at Little Fishes Swim School, recommends year round swimming lessons.  When this isn't possible, she recommends parents to take their child to a pool at least once a week because there is a clear correlation between swimming ability and the time spent in the water.

I myslef love that the water is 90 degrees all year round!  Little Fishes Swim School has small intimate classes, 5 swimmers and 2 instructors!  Their prices are higher, $250 per session,  but I always say,  You get what you pay for!
If you would like to enroll your child for the fall, be sure to give them a call or check our website under the swim icon!  Fall classes start September 12-November 20, 2011. 

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